Anyway, after Huntington Beach I moved right along to Los Angeles! I saw a flat-rate parking lot and decided to park there, find a Starbucks, and do some map research using Google maps and the reference maps I've picked up from various locations. So I reached into my purse to ask Stella where the nearest Starbucks was... and pulled out HER EMPTY CASE. My heart stopped. Not only would my dad teleport across the country and kill me if anything happened to Stella (she was a birthday gift, thanks Daddy!), I would quit Let's Go right now because there's no way I could do this research without her. I booked it back to the parking lot, past the sketchy-looking parking lot attendants (okay... they weren't particularly sketchy, they were just chilling there), bleeping the little car-unlocky thing as I ran, and threw open the car door. There was Stella, hiding beneath a binder full of receipts. STELLA! Never do that to me again.
I got ahead in my research, but not too ahead because of the horrible traffic! Traffic is hard for me to deal with, because I am always tempted to do something else while I sit in it. I figure, I might as well try to be productive. But I soon learned that multi-tasking while one of the tasks is monitering the movement of the traffic in which you are sitting is never a good idea. About six almost-accidents later, I had parked my car in West Hollywood at Eel's house and was safely typing up the day's research at an adorable cafe called Marco's.
Eel took me to dinner at Taylor's Steakhouse, and I got a delicious, juicy steak. Mmmm. After three days of graham crackers and whatever free breakfast the hotels provide, steak was quite a treat! Tomorrow is going to be busy, but kind of a day off. I have to wake up so early to take the CBEST, the California Basic Education Standardized Test, or basically a test that makes sure you can do elementary-level math and reading comprehension so you can get certified to teach in this state. The test starts in six hours... good night!
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